Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (2024)

Trying to Get Pregnant

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    August 2012 in Trying to Get Pregnant

    So I'm reading that I could take out a policy with Aflac and they could pay upwards of $2500 for your labor and delivery. Is this true? What if I have another insurance plan that would pay for my maternity coverage. If I take out Aflac and since they pay to the insured directly, does that mean they would still pay us even if we have coverage already (DH is Indian so I will be able to have all maternity costs covered, less our deductible amounts)? Any insight appreciated!

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      MamaSquish member

      August 2012

      Aflac is completely separate from your insurance.

      I have the Hospital Indemnity Plan. With my son, I got a check for $1500.00, $500 for each day I was in the hospital. I just added a rider I think they call it, so the first day I would get $1,000, then $500 for each additional day in the hospital.

      There's a disability plan that goes with pregnancy too.

      Hope that helps a little.

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (3)

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      ilovemyducks21 member

      August 2012

      So I signed up 3 weeks ago, all of this stuff is pretty fresh in my mind. Aflac is a supplement to whatever insurance you currently have. The way it was explained to us is they ignore other coverage, so you will get the Aflac benefits regardless of whatever other proceeds you get. Point: Even if you have coverage you will get the benefits.

      So I'll explain my policy. First off, it had to run through my employer. For them to set up a plan we needed 3 total participants signing up for anything from dental to hospital to accident. It costs my employer nothing, the monthly premiums are taken directly out of my paycheck. The maternity package is actually a combination of 2 policies: short-term disability and hospital. The short-term disability pays you a portion of your salary for a total of 5 weeks (at least in my state, it may vary). I'll get approximately $3,000 from that. The hospital portion will pay $1,000 for when you are admitted to the hospital for delivery, and an additional $500 per night for every night you have to stay extra. So at the very least I'll get $4,000. This is all for a vagin*l delivery. If there are complications these numbers change.

      What else is nice is that they pay out the full benefits 7-10 business days after they receive the paperwork, which you can send in almost immediately after birth. That is one check for EVERYTHING. If you end up going back to work before the 5 weeks for whatever reason, you pay back the portion. The policies have to be effective for 9 months before birth, so basically you can't sign up when you're already pregnant. So I signed up 8/3, it becomes effective 9/3, so I need to give birth after 6/3. Although if you are short a couple of days, my rep said they try to work with you and pay out benefits anyway.

      Sorry this got so long, almost done. My premiums total about $120/month. But I'm in the lowest "risk group" so thats on the low end. And that is the extent of what I remember on the topic, let me know if you have questions and I'll try to answer.

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      ilovemyducks21 member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (6)MamaSquish:

      Aflac is completely separate from your insurance.

      I have the Hospital Indemnity Plan. With my son, I got a check for $1500.00, $500 for each day I was in the hospital. I just added a rider I think they call it, so the first day I would get $1,000, then $500 for each additional day in the hospital.

      There's a disability plan that goes with pregnancy too.

      Hope that helps a little.

      D'oh, you did what I did in like 10% of the words. I need brevity leasons from you Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (7)

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      sueann911 member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (9)ilovemyducks21:

      So I signed up 3 weeks ago, all of this stuff is pretty fresh in my mind. Aflac is a supplement to whatever insurance you currently have. The way it was explained to us is they ignore other coverage, so you will get the Aflac benefits regardless of whatever other proceeds you get. Point: Even if you have coverage you will get the benefits.

      So I'll explain my policy. First off, it had to run through my employer. For them to set up a plan we needed 3 total participants signing up for anything from dental to hospital to accident. It costs my employer nothing, the monthly premiums are taken directly out of my paycheck. The maternity package is actually a combination of 2 policies: short-term disability and hospital. The short-term disability pays you a portion of your salary for a total of 5 weeks (at least in my state, it may vary). I'll get approximately $3,000 from that. The hospital portion will pay $1,000 for when you are admitted to the hospital for delivery, and an additional $500 per night for every night you have to stay extra. So at the very least I'll get $4,000. This is all for a vagin*l delivery. If there are complications these numbers change.

      What else is nice is that they pay out the full benefits 7-10 business days after they receive the paperwork, which you can send in almost immediately after birth. That is one check for EVERYTHING. If you end up going back to work before the 5 weeks for whatever reason, you pay back the portion. The policies have to be effective for 9 months before birth, so basically you can't sign up when you're already pregnant. So I signed up 8/3, it becomes effective 9/3, so I need to give birth after 6/3. Although if you are short a couple of days, my rep said they try to work with you and pay out benefits anyway.

      Sorry this got so long, almost done. My premiums total about $120/month. But I'm in the lowest "risk group" so thats on the low end. And that is the extent of what I remember on the topic, let me know if you have questions and I'll try to answer.

      Basically, this is the same thing I just got. I think mine pays out for 6 weeks and the amount paid out is determined by the amount you select/pay in. For me it was totally worth it to TTA for a couple months to be able to have that peace of mind. The hospital plan also applies to other hospitalizations not just labor/delivery so its a nice extra insurance to have if its available to you. One thing my Rep told me was to not tell your doctors office/hospital if you have aflac because they will try to bill aflac. My coworker had this happen to her with her aflac dental coverage.

      Me: 32 DH: 31.
      B/W: good. SA: good.
      November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
      January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
      3 cycles ofFemara + TI = BFNs

      June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN

      July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!

      Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3

      BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014

      Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.

      CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!

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      August 2012

      Hmm this is all very interesting. Do you have to sign up for this before you are pregnant, or can you wait til then?

      And I know it would vary from person to person, but about what does it cost every month?

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      ilovemyducks21 member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (12)BlueGirl9603:

      Hmm this is all very interesting. Do you have to sign up for this before you are pregnant, or can you wait til then?

      And I know it would vary from person to person, but about what does it cost every month?

      See GM's response for part 1. Mine will cost about $120/month. I know I wrote a novel, but the answers to both of these questions were in my post above.

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      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (14)GhostMonkey:

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (15)BlueGirl9603:

      Hmm this is all very interesting. Do you have to sign up for this before you are pregnant, or can you wait til then?

      You seriously have to ask this?

      Of course you have to have it in advance and there is a waiting period. If there wasn't everyone would go get it at 36 weeks, pay for 2 months of coverage and the companywould lose their ass. They aren't a charity.

      1. Yes. I've never had any coverage beyond what work offers.

      2. And I didn't mean getting it when you are two weeks away from being due. I meant can you sign up for it when you find out you are pregnant. But obviously not so thansk for the information, I'm going to look into it.

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      hawkeyes32 member

      August 2012

      I signed up for Aflac last year. I don't know if my work chips in or what but I only have about 20/ paycheck taken out. Also they told me you had to have it 10 months before birth to kick in so as long as you don't get pregnant in the first mo you are good.

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (17)

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      sueann911 member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (19)BlueGirl9603:

      Hmm this is all very interesting. Do you have to sign up for this before you are pregnant, or can you wait til then?

      And I know it would vary from person to person, but about what does it cost every month?

      Mine is done via work. I'm not sure if you can get it if its not offered through your job. Yes, you have to sign up before pregnancy. In my case it had to start 10 months before it could be used, basically meaning we TTA for two months to give us a cushion and hope that I don't go into preterm labor. But even if I get KU this month I still would be eligible for coverage for several weeks before due date. The cost varies based on how much you want paid for STD. I didn't need as much paid to me because of savings, work time accrued, etc so all together my STD and hospitalization is about $100 per month.

      Me: 32 DH: 31.
      B/W: good. SA: good.
      November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
      January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
      3 cycles ofFemara + TI = BFNs

      June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN

      July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!

      Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3

      BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014

      Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.

      CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!

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      August 2012

      This was extremely helpful! Thank you! We have a friend who is an agent for Aflac so if this cycle isn't the one for us then we'll be calling him immediately. Thanks for your input!

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      MsCraftsy member

      August 2012

      I signed up for short term disability and hospital indemnity and I'm working with them through my employer.I pay roughly 95.00 a month (It's based on your salary) and it's deducted from my check every two weeks. The coverage for STD last for 6 weeks for vagin*l delivery and 8 weeks for c-section.

      Now, with that said, I know that it could take a normal couple up to a year to get pregnant but we decided that even if it does take extra time that it would still behoove us to get the coverage. We have insurance that will cover the whole thing minus our 500.00 deductible to our OB. So this is just extra to make sure everything is covered and paid while I am on maternity leave since my company doesn't offer extra benefits besides providing FMLA.

      I signed up in July. It kicked in the last week of July but we are waiting until the middle/ end of next month to start trying to give us a little bit of wiggle room. That is just in case I do get pregnant right away (wishful thinkingTalk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (22) ) and the baby comes early or there is a complication and I need to be hospitalized.

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      August 2012

      This is all very interesting. I have had a lot of issues and i have been trying a little over a year so i may be pregnant right now Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (24) but if not its something to look into. I have insurance for maternity leave but not for the hospital bills. I will definately be looking into this.

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      KdgTeacher member

      August 2012

      What does YH being Indian have to do with anything?

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      notquiteblushing member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (27)KdgTeacher:

      What does YH being Indian have to do with anything?

      This puzzled me as well but I think she means Native American and they have special federal health coverage.

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      KdgTeacher member

      August 2012

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (31)notquiteblushing:

      Talk to me about Aflac maternity coverage (32)KdgTeacher:

      What does YH being Indian have to do with anything?

      This puzzled me as well but I think she means Native American and they have special federal health coverage.

      But what does that have to do with her coverage?

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